Here's all the old fan art I did from 2004 - 2008. Oldest works start from the top. Each thumbnail is a self contained gallery, and requires enabling javascript.
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Earliest piece of Creative Worlds fan art. Coner was always a cute enemy with huge eyes. Screw Waddle Dee, I find Coner harder to bestow punishment on.
Turbo Kirby
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Kirby fused with the Mega Man 7 robot master. Speaking of which, back when I made this pic, I would've never thought Mega Man 9 and 10 would surface.
Rolling Turtle
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From Kirby's Adventure, a game far superior to its remake, Nightmare in Dream Land (aside from all the graphics, excluding Kirby's seeing as they somehow made him less expressive). The background is Orange Ocean technically, but it looks like Ripple Field from Dream Land 3.
Star Man in the City
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He looks like a flying tooth, yes, but he's actually a doughy star with a split ot the top. He could be the next hero, but Kirby keeps hogging the limelight.
Aero Star
Angel Kirby
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One of my favorite abilities, Angel Kirby. I went for a more official Kirby of 2004 look. It's also AKA Cupid Kirby in the west due to the policies regarding using religious symbolism.
Bronto Burt
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A hellion for certain, but he's got moxie. Love or hate him, Bronto Burt had character potential, at least in Avalanche. The game's not official, but as far as I'm concerned it's that bully attitude he has that I've adapted for my own use. Love or hate Avalanche, it gave minor enemies more character than even the anime did.
Kirby's Dream Land 2 Mini Bosses
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My favorite set of minibosses. Add on the ones from Adventure and it's all I ever need. Yeah yeah nostalga goggles etc.
Watercolor Kine
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Canonically Kine's wife in Kirby Dream Land 3. I think she's just a girlfriend in my series, even though Kine pays her little attention.
Poppy Bros Jr.
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Smashing hat. Top that with a universally top tier ability (so side games count), and the overall awe and fear a tornado can bring. And hey, we've got a character who's a winner. Sadly, Kirby does NOT get to wear this hat. Boo.
Boss Cast of Kirby's Wishing Star
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Fan game and or comic idea I've had since 1995. I still want to make it, but it's not top priority.
Uncle Jake
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And original character of mine. He's a rancher, but really laid back. He calls Kirby and his friends over just so they can do the work. Still, he's pretty quick with a revolver.
Coro Coro Comics Kirby Graffiti
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Coro Coro Comics and street art are both interesting to look at and highly amusing when done right.
Dream Land's Costume Party
Infant Hazard
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If everything's so dangerous to babies, why have babies at all? I'm just sayin'.
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A pic based off a stereotype I have of Chikorita(s) being either mushy or vain (though, exceptions exist). It's the former in this case, but it doesn't end well. Old though this may be, I think that Chikorita is cute in her slight tubbiness. But then again, all cute things are chubby. Typically.
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Parasect is ace. Although this isn't the one from Poke Tales, he's certain inspired by him.
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Affectionally refered to as Li'l Big Head. Trapinch is adorable. When I made this line of Poke pics, I superimposed backgrounds because I didn't want to bother with making them. It's pretty amateur now, but that's why this is an art ARCHIEVE. It's all OLD.
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A Tentacool drawn in a style similar to one I saw in the Pokemon Adventures manga.
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Coil is the concept name for Magnemite. I only realized later that it's actually the Japanese name, too. I'm willing to bet a good portion of the concept names were the original Japanese names just translated, now that I think about it. And here I thought they were just cool prototype material. Back to the Sonic series for me (or EarthBound 64). Magnemite is one of those Pokemon that could've easily been a Kirby enemy, which is what made it intriguing in the first place.
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I swear I see this picture in mass circulation, but I'm willing to bet no one knows it originated here much anymore. What am I saying? I'm saying why this picture? Why not something I actually like, like... almost anything from Aqua Bunny? Super Version BUN-BUN. THAT'S a picture worth circulatin'.
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The first appearance of Nidozilla. Backstory: There was a topic on the Kirby's Rainbow Resort forums about Pokemon, and the question of your favorite Pokemon was asked about 5 times. What I ended up saying somewhere in between was "Nidorina eats all the other Pokemon for dinner" (or something to that effect), then I drew a picture proving that. Needless to say, Nidorina is my absolute favorite Pokemon.
Singing Latias
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My first good oekaki picture, though this was practice. Latias art was all the rage back then, 'specially on Japanese sites. Man, I kinda miss that.
Rinas are Cute
Paper Kirlia
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Well, she does have to eat for two. Nah, I'm just kidding. She's not pregnant.
Kirlia and Mawile
Weight Training
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You may have the brains, Kirlia, but a light breeze can knock you over. Time to bulk it up.
Malicious Mawile
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Kind of used Spiderman's Venom as an inspiration. First and possibly only time the mutated horns were the focus.
Riri, the Cutest Nidorina You Ever Saw
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Here's another pic that has circulated around quite a lot. At least it's a Nidorina pic. Granted, at the time she was unnamed, but yeah, she's a character that lives in the World of Chibi Pokemon.
Sableye in a Cave
Gender Mix-Up
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This doesn't happen anymore now that we have Gallade. Yeah, I know, Gardevoir can still be male. But the fanartists will overwhelmingly lead you to believe otherwise.
Where's the Nidorina Art?
Exaggerated Nidorino
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Why does Riri have a crush on a version of Nidorino that doesn't even exist in her world? Besides, Riri likes the psychotic Mew for some reason. But that wasn't really the point, I (assume I) wanted to make a dashing average Nidorino. Meh, he's no Mr. Nidorino...
Staying Cool
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Another nice "oekaki authentic" type image. I really experimented with the Ralts line. And by oekaki authentic, I mean it looks like something I'd see in a Japanese oekaki, of which I would consider authentic. Hey, it originated there after all.
Rainy Day
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Obsessive though I may have been, some of my Kirlia/Mawile stuff really stands out. Must be because of the very non-Pokemonish nature of them plus the cute styles.
Tomato Trapinch
Elemental Punch
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A collaboration pic with Housyasei-san (who's Gardevoir is in the center) and Kohei (owner of the Gardevoir to the right). I wouldn't mind doing another one of these, so long as it's kosher.
Alternate Mawile
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Alternate how? I'm always drawing with intentional inconsistancy, even before I drew this. Nothing new.
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King awesome himself. He's some sort of deity figure or alien in the Chibi World. Based on one of the unreleased Gold and Silver Pokemon, which proves that no, all the new critters you see today were not conceptualized years before the series started.
Rey the Super Deformed Nidorino
Yami the Chibi Sableye
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If you look directly into his eyes and his gaze meets yours, your soul is gruesomely consumed. Rey is scared to death of this guy. Nothing is all that savory in the World of Chibi Pokemon, the cute appeal is a big fat ruse.
It's Raining Chibi Pokemon!
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A lot of the Pokemon here would later become characters in Chibi's Corner, so it looks like this is the prototype. You've got Riri and Rey, the Jirachi would later become Father Jirachi, Kali the Kirlia and her stalker Mona the Mawile, Yami, Patcheel the alcoholic, Honouguma, and many others who just happen to look cute right now.
Sparkly Nidorina
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I dunno if I like that 'Tude look on Nidoqueen. |=| And look, Nidorina's developing some kind of horn there.
Vulpix of Summer
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This is the point where the art takes a turn for the interesting and the fan stuffs hit the, uh, fan. Looks like, outside of the Chibis (and Kirlia/Mawile stuff I was starting to outgrow), I couldn't draw anymore random Pokemon without merit. This one, though a generic Vulpix, was at least inspired by previous characters. So, I should make the obligatory note that Vulpix was my first favorite Pokemon, and now about number 3 or so, which is STILL very high. What that honestly means is that if I'm not drawing a Nido (King and Queen nonwithstanding), it's probably Vulpix.
Vaporeon Seashell
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Shiny. It's very colorful but I don't know what the heck I was thinking. I do know I was listening to Dive Man's Complete Works theme over and over while creating it. I think I'll give it a listen now. It's a great arrangement, but fans will debate whether or not it tops the NES original.
Mawile Schoolgirl
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The last of the Mawile and or Kirlia pics, and even then this one was a holdover. It was done in MSPaint, I remember that much. I really like that street light.
Mrs. Nidorina
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It begins. Both the use of fan characters, the need to make a name for Nidorina (the species), and a long series of devoted tributes (one of which must be earned in Tile Gallery). I'm not going to spend any time rewriting her details, you can find that here (and even then it's abridged because I'd like to be able to relase the Poke Island series eventually, so I'm avoiding huge spoilers). As you can tell, she's my favorite character. And I mean absolute, not just within the realm of Pokemon. Just be glad I restricted my fanboyisms of the character to a totally different site (unfortunately, you'll never see anything with THAT kind of dedication here).
Chikorita and Chicolita
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These are two sisters, Chikorita (older) and Chicolita (younger). Both their characters had a big influence, 'Lita's in a much more complex way.
The Amazing Eevee Sisters
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Characters inspired from Misty and her sisters from the anime. Joy, a 7 year old Eevee (at the time of the series end) doesn't really get along too well with her valley-girl-like-narcissistic-teenage sisters, Bubbles, Shockette and Rosie (all 18 years of age by series end). At first they were mainly just gag characters (or cute/sassy in Joy's case), but in Poke Legends, there was a LOT of character development, and each sister gained a unique personality.
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This character is simply known as Eevee, who is also 7 years of age by series end. However, this picture is based during Poke Tales when he was 4 years old. He's been an important character from the beginning to the end of Poke Tales, because of that pendant he wears. As a refugee, Nidorina took pity on him and adopted him, which Nidorino was NOT ok with. In this pic, he wonders what became of his parents.
Pokeblock Abuse
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Parasect is best described as 'essentric'. He speaks in a wordy, convoluted manner and usually has a way with twisting other's words. He also tends to hear what he wants to hear, usually rendering any conversation with him pointless. He also has a way with crackpot schemes and theories. His actions are questionable at times, too. It's hard to tell if he's naturally insane or just works that angle. Awkward mannerisms aside, he's really good natured and would love to help those in need. He heads the Bug Squad, a team of useless Bug Pokemon in the Poke Forest. Like Nidorina, I grew to love Parasects in general because of this character. It's amazing how a personality quirk can change everything.
Their Truer Selves
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Poke Tales and Legends was often known as the "Truth about Pokemon". Humans have a lot of misconceptions about the creatures and try to catalogue them in the Pokedex according to what they see, because to them, these creatures are so majestic and amazing. Yeah, well, to each other, they're all average joes cutting it up. Case in point, the Legendary Birds. They only pretend to be dignified, but in reality, what you don't see is that they're really goofballs who make it all up as they go. The spend their freetime ridiculing each other, as pictured, or civilians. However, they straighten up and fly right around Houou, who actually does take his role seriously.
My Escape
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In Poke Legends, we learn that Bubbles is an aspiring artist, and is actually the quietest and most reserved of the older Eon Trio. In a particular episode, she goes off to her favorite spot in the woods when a Pineco happens to take a liking to her work. The two become fast friends, and Pineco becomes a person who Bubbles can share her thoughts with, the type of things her sisters would generally disregard.
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What happened Ninjask? You used to be cool. Oh right, you were never part of any series, so I forgot you existed. Sadly, that's just how it is with me and any Pokemon. But I remember back when Sapphire came out and I thought that generation three was the best one since 1. Technically, I still believe they're as a whole more interesting than the overly bland woodland creatures that plagued the second generation. But because I can't remember the lot of them anymore and the mere existance of Poke Legends, second generation comes out on top of it by default.
Shiny Vaporeon
This Is Chimera Research
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When MOTHER 3's time period finally arrives, this is what will become of Pokemon. That or by the time Game Freak hits the tenth generation and they're REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel.
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Vulcan is a spry shiny Torchic who thinks he's tougher than a Groudon. Not really my character, or even a character at all. I just drew him for someone else, but even they didn't use the character. So here it is, an abandonded concept no one wants. Good thing Torchic alone is cool, along with this pose.
Pretty Rattata
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I like the Ratta line basically on the principal that I like little fuzzy creatures like rodents and lagomorphs. I drew this mostly as a tribute, but for some weird reason, Rattata is less overlooked than the Nidoran family, and yet never had a proper anime episode.
With Love, Kate
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Kate the Raticate is a hair stylist in Green Town. She's actually a minor character, but I wanted to draw a Raticate to compliment the Rattata picture I had drawn just before this one. After seeing Yellow's Raticate in the Pokemon Adventures manga, I decided from now on all my Raticates will be cute too, male or female, so it became a standard in my series. basically, domesticated Raticate looked approchable and well kept like this, and the Sugi look went to all the wild Raticates. See what happens when you don't have proper dental care?
Sunset Natsumi
Lady Mew
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The guardian of Poke Island. It may be a job that's too much for her to take on, though. She's got just as many faults as any other Pokemon, but that's what makes her easier to relate to. When it comes down to it, though, she'll see to it that no harm comes to the island.
Chicolita Chamomile
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Warm hearted and a bit overprotective of her older sister, all Chicolita really wants is friends, to cook to her heart's content, and for the strange dreams to cease.
Panel de Pon: Poke Tales Edition Fan Art Mock Up
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This picture took me forever to draw at an oekaki, and it's still one of my favorites. I used refs from both Tetris Attack AND 'Puzzle Collection's Panel de Pon. However, it's not meant to look like a game screen shot, I could've done art edits by using official game assets for that, it wasn't the point. If I could still make the game somehow, and by somehow I mean just simply replace some version of PdP's graphics without touching any code, then yeah, I'd give it a go.
Joy LaVee
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You're only seven? No way, a girl like you can't get that fresh in seven years. Her sassiness comes from the fact that she has to defend herself from her older sisters who are constantly calling her things like "runt" and a "pest". She's gotten used to making snappy comebacks without missing a beat. However, she remains respectful to elders and those who treat her well.
Bubbles LaVee
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2nd youngest, she's actually usually quiet and sensitive. It's only when she's with her older sisters that she becomes loud and an annoyance. She gets along the best with Joy, possibly because she understands her the closest. She's also respectful to elders, and sometimes seeks advice from people older than her. Afterall, she's trying to find herself, it seems.
Shockette LaVee
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Know of the movie Mean Girls? I'm pretty sure it was modeled off of chicks like Shockette. She's rather agressive and can really cut into your self esteem, but she's actually not catty for the sake of being catty, unlike other popular girls. She's really only mean to people who piss her off, however she isn't very tactful towards strangers, either. Like the rest of her sisters, she respects elders, including her barely older sister Rosie, but she doesn't have a lot of respect for her parents...
Rosie LaVee
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Of the Eevee sisters, she's the one who sticks to her stereotype the closest. The eldest sister is a bit of a narcissist and a mallrat. Loves fashion and accessories and people showering her with attention. She's also up on the latest stars and wants to live the high life. What makes her different, though, is that she's actually really intellegent and knows how to think for herself (unless it comes to fashion trends, which she'll blindly follow). She's able to determine the difference between fun, and knowing when it starts to cross the line (something a lot of silver spoon bred girls, well, can't), and like the others, is respectful to elders.
Little Critters
Sentrets Like Money
Year of the Rat
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I was born on the year of the rat. Could that explain my preference for cute small creatures over overrated cats and dogs?
Vulpix and Togepi
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Even though Pikachu was often the one who took it upon himself to watch Togepi (typically by virtue of being the only other Pokemon always outside his Pokeball), Vulpix seemed to take pleasure in it when she got a chance. She may be a young fox, but it seems to have awakened a not yet realized maternal side of Vulpix, which you would otherwise not see in her typically busy lifestyle (or while traveling with Brock, in her typically contained lifestyle). Togepi seemed to enjoy Vulpix's company too, so these often led to cute moments.
The Keeper of the Forest
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Butterfree, given the title of Psychic Butterfree, makes it his duty to maintain Poke Forest, much like Lady Mew watches over the island. He makes sure everyone is safe, and acts as a counselor for Pokemon who need it. He's very wise, and gives great advice. However, there's more to him than that.
Susie is NOT a Good Trainer
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You'd like to think Susie was sugar and spice and everything nice. Truth of the matter is, Vulpix couldn't get away from her fast enough. Why else do you think she was so eager to travel with Brock? And the look on her face when Brock gave her back to Susie... they cut that scene out in the anime.
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They don't always get along, but they know that they will always have each other.
Attack of the Living Rafflesia Arnoldii
Nyuura Bon Dance
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Nyuura isn't all bad, she actually thinks highly of Japanese culture, and wishes she were a part of it. It's one of the few times she doesn't seem so evil. This picture was based on a first time vacation trip to Mitsuwa, in the Chicagoland area, where I participated in Bon dancing. Now we go to Mitsuwa so much it's lost all meaning, but I do it for my sister.
Ticket Season
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Green Town cops are on the take, but what do you expect for the money we make? Whether in a car or on a horse, we don't mind using excessive force.
Pidgeotto Teeth
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I drew this when it hit me that Pidgeotto have teeth for some odd reason, as shown in the anime. But chalk it up to being a cartoon bird. Anyway, this is Wesley, a Pidgeotto who enjoys beating up Tauros. Otherwise, he tends to keep the desert bandits at bay, but he is a bit of a stubborn ruffian.
You Are Me, I Am You - Sentret
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A lot of Alternate Universe Pokemon are based from existing Poke Island series Pokemon, so in reality the AU Pokes are just successors to already crafted characters, with some differences. Both Sentrets are rather young and headstrong, but Legends Sentret has special abilities and AUs Sentret has money sense (and is quite greedy). Legends Sentret also has learning disorders, but AU Sentret seems to be a bit of a child genius to an extent.
You Are Me, I Am You - Vulpix
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Both Poke Island Vulpix and AU Vulpix are great singers. That is, AU Vulpix is well on her way. These two characters are so alike, you could almost say AU Vulpix is just a younger version of P.Island Vulpix, but nevertheless they ARE two separate characters.
You Are Me, I Am You - Chikorita
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Both Chikorita are lovelorn and a bit self centered. However, AU Chikorita is rather spiteful and kind of a bully, and Legends Chikorita is typically blind to the needs of those closest to her, like her family, pursuing her own desires. Essentially, it's the difference between being intentionally self centered and absent mindedly self centered.
You Are Me, I Am You - Nidorina
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Nidorina is definately the unspoken reincarnation of Nidorina. Names aside, just about everything regarding them is identical, with one major difference being that Nido-san is more active, and likes activities like sports and martial arts training. Nidorina takes on more passive activities. Another thing to note is that Nido-san is more girly, and Nidorina's more womanly. If that makes sense.
You Are Me, I Am You - Nidorino
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Both Nidorino deviate from the Nidorino stereotype, being a bit cuter in appearance and a lot more approachable. However, AU Nidorino isn't much of a go getter. Then again, he's afraid of his future. Tales Nidorino is a lot more responsible, even though that responsibility was forced upon him.
You Are Me, I Am You - Miltank
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Finally, both Miltanks are sweet natured, and well meaning. They both actively seek out guys to go out with, although AU Miltank only wants Kine. She's Kine obsessed, in fact. Legends' Clara shows a bit more desperation. Also, she is a clusmy ditz while AU Miltank is actually competant.
Classic Crew
Ana in Snowman
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This pic still holds up, even with lazy ball hands. Mother the first is still my favorite of the three games.
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Pippi's strong as all get out, and an awesome temporary partner... Lloyd can stay in the trash, Ninten should've kept Pippi along. But things would've gotten weird with Ana.
MOTHER 3 Monsters
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Meh. Except this picture was drawn back when we were getting slow reveals about Mother 3, so at the time, this was an exciting pic.
Lucas and Claus 64
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A rendering of what the characters look like in a cartoonish style had they kept their old designs, IF EarthBound 64 was ever released.
MOTHER 3 64 Flint
Gifts From the Heart
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Mother's day based pic. And I'll have you know those Diamond Bands are darned expensive.
Masked Boy
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This battle was pretty epic story wise, but I kinda wonder about that other thing...
On the Loose
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Pig Masks are just funny punch clock villains. The Ultimate Chimera is sheer evil, though.
Seaside Cliff
Robo Maid Marshmellow
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She's cute... until she goes apecrap an you. Kinda reminds me of Yayoi and Izayoi from Dynamite Headdy, except that game was already on acid.
Lucas and Claus Composition
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Lucas and Claus composed of both 64 and GBA Mother 3 styles, because I still had an attachment to the old designs. These days, for Lucas and Claus it's no big deal either way.
Duster Composition
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If Duster mixed his N64 and GBA versions, here's what he might look like. I still prefer his 64 design overall.
Kumatora Composition
Flint Composition
Boney - Salsa Composition
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This GBA and N64 mixture may be easier to see. Also, guess the obvious reference.
Hinawa Composition
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To be fair, there wasn't a whole lot of N64 Hinawa references to go off of.
Porky Minch
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lol at Porky calling someone else pig's butt. I've got an endless slew of "pork(y)" and "Pokey" related one liners and quotes, but I'll hold on to them to annoy another day. You love to hate him, you'd hate to love him. Maybe he just secretly wishes he had Ness's life, money and power aside.
Manga Ana
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MOTHER's art style is like a Japanese take on Peanuts. That's typically how I like it. However, after seeing some Manga versions of a lot of the characters on Japanese sites/oekakies, I decided to do one myself. My final verdict? The Peanuts style was utilized for a reason.
Fuel 64
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Cancelled Fuel. Well, sorta. He has his GBA face instead of looking like Lampwick from Pinnochio.
Ninten Icon
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I'm still surprised Smash Bros Brawl confirmed this as his real name. Why would his parents, Americans, mind you, name him after obscure Japanese toys or possibly a Magnavox Odyssey?
Nice Try, Nintendo of America
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I like how NoA's response to the hundreds of thousands of non-Japanese EarthBound fans is to release another mediocre Pokemon game. Okay, yeah it's not a direct response, they would've released Pokemon Diamond and Pearl regardless. So there's a Lucas and Flint in the 4th gen, but I seriously doubt that's their Japanese names. NoA knew about the outcry of MOTHER 3 and were well aware of the characters involved. It's a big conspiracy theory, but I wouldn't put NoA above pandering.
Hey, This Dog Roasts Weenies!
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Made back in 2004-ish, when I pretended to be a dictator on Kirby's Rainbow Resort. It was all in fun, though, unlike people online these days pretending to be edgy and hardcore. I'm pretty sure that this version of Kine and Omikron the Magnemite were a part of Other Alternate Universe, the series that Reilina the all but unused Nidorina was in.
Drunken Jack
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Jack, Pete, or whoever he calls himself now, who had a bit too much to drink. Looks like Karen oughta find somebody else.
Bounty Boundy
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What's this guy's US name? Mad Dog? I can't remember either side's names, I'm just reading the picture titles (though I do remember Izayoi, but it's hard to forget that banchee, and Maruyama/Trouble Bruin). He likes classical music and smashing Maruyama. Oh wait, I already wrote that joke in the alt tag.
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Why did Capcom USA decide to make her name harder to say or spell? What is it, Hsien-ko? I thought the point of localization was to make things easier on us gaijin. Well, it really could be the Bison/Vega/Balrog thing all over again. Anyway, everyone knows why Lei-Lei is popular. The same reason any other female in the series is (plus the added cute and endless weapons from hammerspace, of course).
Amy Rose
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You know, I'm not uptight about Mr. Green Eyes, but if there's any new design I still don't like, it's Amy Rose Post Adventure. Why? She's no longer cute. Like, at all. The brow between her eyes was a lot smaller before, giving the appearance of bright eyes, and she seemed more like a mere Sonic fangirl than some obsessive tsundere with a dress that's a little north of the knee. And those boots honestly don't help... kids are growing up too fast these days. So, yeah, screw it, she doesn't exist as long as I'm going to draw Sonic art.
Blaze the Cat
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I don't mind any additions to Sonic's cast (aside from Cream the personality-devoid Rabbit), but Blaze the Cat is honestly the best newer character created. Maybe because she reminds me of classic Sonic. She doesn't say a whole lot and just goes out to kick Eggman's behind. That's what any good hero does. Nintendo knows this.
Quiet Afternoon
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Pretty much my favorite Yoshi's Island/Tetris Attack characters all in one picture.
Dynamite Headdy
General Guy
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Not just any Shy Guy, but GENERAL Guy. That actually makes it sound like he's generic, doesn't it?
Rick and Popuri
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I've always thought Popuri was the cutest girl in Harvest Moon. Rick seemed nice, too. Based on the Mineral Town series.
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Owner of the second best BGM in Panel de Pon GCN right here. I like this game a whole lot more than the original Panel de Pon. For some reason, the artwork of that game is a little unsettling. That and this one felt more epic, insomuch that a puzzle game featuring faeries can.
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Bomberman is an old time favorite. Not just for multiplayer battles, but I actually liked the charcters and scenarios. They never did top the 64 generation of games, though. Pictured here are Bomberman, Louie, and Pommy.
Hikaru and Michael
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Got nothin'. Characters from Parodius. Obvious fun fact, their themes are based on each other.
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This character has had so many model changes throughout the series that's it's probably an intentional gag. He's also supposedly the voice over in Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius. Bet that's something you didn't know (actually, it could be any octopus, as he only refers to himself as Tako, but then again, isn't that still the same character?).
Twinbee and Winbee
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Konami runs my life. And when they let me down, Capcom picks up the slack. But with characters like Twinbee and Winbee (characters I swear Capsule J is based off of) and the whole cute 'em up sub genre, it's hard not to give the extra edge to Konami. I love shooters and wacky-cute stuff. Granted, Gradius is still better, but I don't think anyone'll ever make an anime shooter series quite like Twinbee. And I never thought hyperspace robots could be so cute.
Star Man
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The other Star Man. I like his stage's theme and design. Actually, Mega Man 5 was pretty graphically impressive for an 8-bit Mega Man game, and it makes me wonder why they didn't try this hard for 9 and 10.
Bokutte Upa
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One of the few fun games staring a baby, but then again it IS a Konami game. Man, it's definately cute, although I really don't like the idea of losing lives playing as little Upa. I wish he had more games beyond his cameos. Fortunately, his game's on the Virtual Console now, so yeah. You should download it if you haven't. It's Konami. You can't lose.
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Owner of the best BGM in Panel de Pon GCN right here. I'm not surprised that Rayea and Flare are fan favorites, probably due to the BGM (and being the only kick butt at face value fairy). However, my only problem with Rayea is that her diferences from Flare are so minute that most people would just refer to her as Flare anyway. Kinda like how Smash Bros Brawl listed ALL the Panel de Pon GCN faeries as the Super Famicom counterparts. Furil doesn't even look like Lip, come on, people.
5000 Hits
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When I reached 5000 hits. Remember when I used to count hits? Yeah, somehow that stuff doesn't matter anymore.
10,000 Hits
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I'm sure Coo or Rick would've found a way to ruin the whole thing anyway.
20,000 Hits
30,000 Hits
50,000 Hits
75,000 Hits
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Here's where I start to get more expansive and less Kirby centric with these.
100,000 Hits
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And here's the turning point when Aqua Bunny became much more important. I don't even know how many hits this site may have today. I've long stopped checking.
Winter Splash 2005
Spring Splash 2006
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The year of my awesome Kirby Star Stacker/kirakira Kids covers for the splash. I swear that game is seasonal based (except the Insane stage). And also, when I use the term awesome I'm not saying these pics are breathtaking, I'm saying that I've never seen anyone else bother to revamp the Star Stacker bonus art, which in itself is awesome, so by extension, makes these referencially awesome just for existing. I'd still like to see a third installment in the series.
Summer Splash 2006
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I'm going to conclude that Kine and Kirby are secretly pirates. And that whale is in on it.
Autumn Splash 2006
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Coo must be really strong, because Rick is no lightweight. I'll say this much, though, I'd love to be there to see the view.
Winter Splash 2006
Spring 2007 -Lucas and Sunflower
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So in 2007, I was gonna do a seasonal Mother 3 theme. Didn't pan out. By this point Aqua Bunny came along and I got married to it after a couple of months of dating. =P
Summer Barbeque 2007
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Annnnd here's where I stopped. I actually did a rough sketch of fall 2007, it was gonna be Kumatora and Salsa, but I couldn't even arse myself to finish the sketch itself. I just didn't feel like it anymore.