Creative Worlds

F A N   S E R I E S

Like any impressionable child, I have created a lot of fan series in the past, the earliest either being Pac-Man or Toe Jam & Earl, but with the longest running or more successful being Kirby, Cool Spot, and Alternate Universe to name a few. In this section, you will find basic information about each of these series, possibly with some bonus material and artwork. Click on a header to be taken to its main page.

Second longest running series after Spot. Follows the everyday misadventures of Kirby.

Poke Island Trilogy
A three part Pokemon series that ended in the second generation. One of my favorites.

Alternate Universe
A non serious joint effort during high school that combines a lot of favored franchises.

A short lived series featuring the events on Yoshi's Island, with the cast of Tetris Attack.





Established March 24, 2005. Revised June 27, 2010. Creative Worlds website is the property of Patrick D. The intellectual property of licensed characters and scenarios are copyrighted to the original owners and the associated companies. The rights to original content created for the site belongs to Patrick D., unless otherwise noted.

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